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The Russian always kills!

A poisonous snake is poisonous from birth! Pardon the tautology! But it kills when it is hungry and in case of extreme threat! And it bites when threatened! An example is a cobra or a rattlesnake. Or if you step on it by accident. The reaction will be instinctive.
That is its difference from the Russians who are born murderers, sadists and rapists! Genetically and mentally! They create murder with pleasure! You will never understand until the last moment why a Russian killed you! Just like that! During the Kishinev pogrom in 1903, a drunken Russian neighbor nearly killed my grandmother and her children. She miraculously got through his drunken brain. Then he asked for forgiveness. She helped him a lot. Russians, non-Moldovans, Ukrainians, and other non-Muslims were everywhere thundering against the Jews. If any of them participated in the pogroms, it was the russians, i.e., renegades!
So when you meet a Russian, beware! No matter how handsome he may seem to you. Under the circumstances favorable to him he will cause you harm at least, and at most he will kill you, and probably in a sophisticated manner!
Do not fall into the trap of talking about good Russians. It is always an illusion and disappointment will be very painful and it is inevitable. This applies to every Russian regardless of age, gender, or status in the hierarchy. And, of course, it applies to all the russified renegades in their ethnic groups. I will not single out the most vile types of renegades.
A person who is Russian by birth (the entry in the metric) ceases to be so when he realizes that his belonging to the Russians is a disgrace and discharges himself from them. First distancing himself, and then cutting him off. He tells himself that he is not a murderer, not a rapist, not a sadist and will let it all be done to himself, but will not do it to others. But those were the few! Moskovia's wars from Chechnya to the year-long war in Ukraine have shown the essence of a Nazi, murderer, sadist and rapist - genetically and mentally Russian.
I caught the precursor of the Russian mentality before I left for Chisinau. Gorbachev's Perestroika began, and the nations, humiliated by the so-called Russian occupiers, began to return to their roots from under a flawed, violent russification. Russians perceived this process with virulent bitterness. A person who naturally speaks his mother tongue in everyday life and retains a sense of his roots was perceived as a terrible nationalist. And it was still relatively innocent. The escalation of hatred, in our case against the Moldovans, developed very quickly on the part of the Russians and the russians who joined them, going through a destructive phase. Transnistria has already begun. Provocations organized by the KGB to draw the national Moldovan organizations into a bloody conflict. If the National Front was an association of people who tried to remain themselves while respecting others, including the Russians. But the latter were not satisfied with such an equal relationship based on mutual respect. Decent Jews were on the side of the Popular Front. My personal communication with the Moldovans was only positive. In our design institute, almost all Russians oozed hatred and communication with them was limited to work-related needs. As has always been my life since I was 5 years old in 1955 when I was called a Jew by the Russian scum, my attitude toward Russians was intuitively wary. And then consciously repulsive.
Why am I taking so long to explain this? To give a few personal testimonies quite illustrating the Russian genetic mentality of the forerunner of the Russian murderers. Our friends, not Russians, Roma served in the Airborne Forces and knew what the Soviet Army was like. Miraculously, thanks to his mother, he avoided being sent to Afghanistan and was now as afraid as a father of two children that he would be dragged into the meat grinder being prepared by the Russians. And so, while walking near Komsomolsky, we meet a fellow officer of the SAS who was in Afghanistan. He tells us with a carnivorous gleam in his eyes how he wants to shoot at moving targets. My neighbor, my mother and grandmother tell me that the Moldovans should cut with sappers like in Tbilisi. Another neighbor, my grandmother, is a dandelion. After a walk at the same Komsomol Lake, when I meet her, she shares that these people are shouting their songs in Romanian. I say, gather your own and sing Kalinushka.
So believe me, the biggest problem is your illusions about good Russians. They have never been - in all times, in all spaces, and in all manifestations. The exceptions are not worth considering. Nevzorovs are few and far between.
And to the point. Any Russian is a sadist, a murderer and a rapist. And the only good one is a dead one! And if you have the opportunity to kill a Russian by any means, in any place at the first opportunity. You would be doing a good deed! EVERYTHING.

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